Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Library Of Babel


An intelligent civilisation marks its existence in time. Be it through the manuscripts or pictography, its the information that matters, its the information to be preserved and passed on. Though when the civilisation wipes out, its not the books that speak, its not books that sends the signal out there in space, “visit us, we existed”. It must be the civilisation itself. If only there were a way to send all our manuscripts and books, or even this article, or what you would say the next second, deep into outer space. Or is there? 

The above is a link to one of the most bizarre things on internet, the LIBRARY OF BABEL, a website that looks and sounds like any other e-library, except that its enormous. In what ways? Well, the The Library of Babel has anything ever written and would ever be written. Anything. I mean it, the library means it. 

To have a brief idea of what it hides, the website has a total of ten to the power two hundred and fifty five pages, filled with everything ever said by anybody, this article, the book you read last night or even your first reaction to this article. 

Sit back, browse and search anything, it has all.

Any information on the internet to its root is in zeros and ones (0’s and 1’s), even this library. It’s a matter of sending not any brief message, but the entire library itself, into the outer space, and wait, as it would travel with the speed of light far out there, maybe to any civilisation ten thousand light years away, in ten thousand years. We could be long gone, and our words, our language would always travel, as the mark of our existence. 

The humanity might not survive, the library of babel shall. If not this civilisation, our language is to pass and wave forever.

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