Wednesday, 30 December 2015

The Correct Arrangement

(Lakshay Raja)

A sane human mind shall acquire a uniform knowledge and understanding of the world around him, despite him being under any environment and circumstances. The one in a dark prison cell concludes equally in a period of time as the one working with the best minds. Thoughts, however discrete are information, be it in our standards, bizarre - ‘Imagining the origin of each mark on a prison wall’ or scientific and useful - ‘Understanding the infant universe, right after the big bang’. It is our interest in different affairs that leaves most of them still incomplete and questionable, with a gap, the religion claims to fill. A revenge over something demands an equal science as in a ‘moon landing’.

Seven wise men might plant some ‘wisdom’ (in our code of behaviour) to a ‘dull’ mind, yet the two of them would try, the two would shrug off and the rest would leave it to an unexplained phenomenon. The impact of the behaviour of the seven wise men on the dull mind shall always be same, despite the men reacting in any arrangement, though only one of it would leave no space to imperfection (again, in our code of behaviour). The point being, the science of each phenomenon or behaviour or a disease seems understandable in a right arrangement of thinking. The prisoners won’t sit to analyse the atomic behaviours and the gossipers around me won’t stand to demolish terrorism. The correct arrangement shall wait to be clicked. 

Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Library Of Babel


An intelligent civilisation marks its existence in time. Be it through the manuscripts or pictography, its the information that matters, its the information to be preserved and passed on. Though when the civilisation wipes out, its not the books that speak, its not books that sends the signal out there in space, “visit us, we existed”. It must be the civilisation itself. If only there were a way to send all our manuscripts and books, or even this article, or what you would say the next second, deep into outer space. Or is there? 

The above is a link to one of the most bizarre things on internet, the LIBRARY OF BABEL, a website that looks and sounds like any other e-library, except that its enormous. In what ways? Well, the The Library of Babel has anything ever written and would ever be written. Anything. I mean it, the library means it. 

To have a brief idea of what it hides, the website has a total of ten to the power two hundred and fifty five pages, filled with everything ever said by anybody, this article, the book you read last night or even your first reaction to this article. 

Sit back, browse and search anything, it has all.

Any information on the internet to its root is in zeros and ones (0’s and 1’s), even this library. It’s a matter of sending not any brief message, but the entire library itself, into the outer space, and wait, as it would travel with the speed of light far out there, maybe to any civilisation ten thousand light years away, in ten thousand years. We could be long gone, and our words, our language would always travel, as the mark of our existence. 

The humanity might not survive, the library of babel shall. If not this civilisation, our language is to pass and wave forever.

Tuesday, 15 December 2015



There must have been times when you would want to visit, or say kind of feel like being in someone else’s body, to see the world, to see yourself from the other person’s prospect or the vision, or to measure the joint functionality of both the brains and how you both would think simultaneously. Like, staring at a random person, an inferior, say, a beggar and imagining how he sees himself at the moment. At his situation. What is it? If there’s a slight nod from your side to it, what is that stops a feeling so intense? And most importantly, where does the boundary of us and our consciousness end? If the answer is, the boundary of the body itself, well then, what is it that let us imagine being in someone else’s shoes, and yet not own them?

Interesting maybe, but well, to move on and name the kind of a feeling we discuss, I tried and google the right word for it. There hasn’t been any, as what my thirty minutes of search says, the closest one quite familiar, ‘Empathy’. Or the feeling could be too personal to be bothered with any name? Let’s for the sake of this article, call it, ‘Assecon’, as seen from your consciousness.

As our race are being as they say, ‘impure’ over the years, we certainly have got our hands restricted to being touched to the certain powers that we might possessed at some point of the civilisation. And here I talk not of any flying human but the rational powers, the exchange of energies and thoughts, probably, the tool that would have, at times overcome the insufficiency of any spoken language. Though the vocabulary grew and the words filled the places of the feelings, for sure there would be a word for a feeling you and I share in the article and soon, it would be long gone. I don’t talk of Assecon but a more commercial one. There could be two ways of sharing a feeling, one, of the era we live in, to go to someone and tell them you are hungry or, to look them into the eyes and stare. And wait. Just to have any little idea of the purity and the intensity of the later one, try it someday with any animal, and believe me, to a certain extent, be it a fish in the pond.

Back to the point, what draws our boundary of the consciousness? The answer, well nothing. Its entirely infinite. And where do I stand in the world to talk of it or answer. Well, that’s where the line is drawn at the first place. To think of any such line. Let me simplify it a little.

Well, the moment your consciousness left your body to be in someone else’s, you never thought of crossing any line, it was to say, completely natural or believable to you. What the person would be thinking at the moment would of course be one of the many conclusion you might draw of the time you are being in him, or you are imagining being him. The line begins itself with a thought like, “But then, how would I know!” 

You possess the power of Assecon already, like you possess the power of imagining yourself in being someone else.  Soon, that would be gone and the power the humans possess now would soon be like a dream or a magic. The awkwardness limits your consciousness. It’s way easy to write but to practice, but take it as a reminder, all still buries deep inside. 

Sunday, 13 December 2015

Yahoo Mail Update

(Mayank Arora)

No harm in pulling the new strings to get the right tune and in the race to uprise in the concerts of technology, looks as if Yahoo ain’t gonna limp around anymore. Well, the latest update atleast promises, in some ways. 

The once everything, Yahoo mail, looked as if, faded itself in some dark corner over the years, not to mention the little updates, yet the ones the giant Gmail had adapted before. Well, the new update does promises something to its audience, something unique enough to get its name back. 

The Yahoo mail now supports third party emails like Google, Aol and outlook, providing an entire setup to all your emails at one place, along with all your contacts, your recent two hundred emails from each account and gmail archives. It doesn’t just stop there and provides 1TB cloud storage for free on a new yahoo account. 

One terabyte. Has anyone been even remotely close to it? Slow claps, Yahoo. Brave move indeed.  The mail app. is available to download for iOS and android devices.

Thursday, 3 December 2015


There's a being in us that rests until the life goes all normal. Without it being awake, a man lives inside a little crystal with all the basics. The being rises from new experiences, and as it awakens, it questions. Questions what happens while it sleeps. The being asks for his right to be called a human being. What has been your contribution to humanity? What made you marry? What secures your happiness beyond this little family and fortune?

There's no greater sleeping pill for that being than a 'secured future'. Or a degree that shuts the entire risk of rising from the mist. Or a bound time table. And as the ones who speak highly of a routine, mean nothing but of a way to shut that being until life gets itself secured. Yet the being does rise.

As the humanity progressed to excellence, the lust for a basic social life grew upto a point where it became the only purpose. While some struggles to fix in into their own little social ball of crystal, when the time was to actually manage and get out of it, for some, the life barely moves and ends as they live under the command of their hormones, waiting to be awarded with their 'bodily needs of fantasies'. The being sleeps unaware.